Please also read the Terms of Use for Google Groups, which hosts the Academy Listserv.
Academy Listerv Etiquette
Please include your name at the end of your posting or response to a posting. It is difficult to evaluate what you are saying if we don’t know who you are. An email address alone is not an identity. When possible, include your name, affiliation, and location.
If your reply to a posting is relevant mainly to the poster, please click “Reply” and not “Reply to All,” which shares your personal response with 1,500 Listserv email members. Send messages such as “Thanks for the information” to individuals — not to the entire list.
New topics should be posted with a new subject line. Do not simply add a new topic to an existing thread/discussion. This creates a disarray of comments rather than an orderly, searchable Listserv. It also allows others to respond more appropriately to your posting.
Participate in a conversation if you are advancing the conversation. 1,500 people should not receive an email saying, “I agree.”
This is a listserv about aid-in-dying medicine. While topics like pain management or hospices are related, they may not be within our focus. We encourage you to post about related aspects of medical care — as long as they are directly relevant to aid-in-dying medicine.
Do not send administrative messages, such as remove me from the list, through the listserve. Direct administrative requests to AADM@AADM.org
The Academy of Aid-in-Dying Medicine is a non-profit 501(c)3 educational organization that cannot participate in political activities. As a clinical organization, we teach about aid-in-dying care and medicine as it is practiced legally in the United States, for clinicians working within those parameters with patients legally accessing aid-in-dying care. We do not lobby for laws in additional states, nor changes to the existing laws. Many organizations do this, so please work with those organizations for your advocacy work.
Do not post conversations about advocacy issues i.e. providing aid-in-dying access to patients with dementia, or adding injectable medications as a route for administering aid-in-dying medications. We understand the importance of those issues, but they are not appropriate for the Academy Listserv.
All defamatory, abusive, profane, threatening, offensive, or illegal materials are strictly prohibited. Do not post anything in a listserve message that you would not want the world to see or that you would not want anyone to know came from you.
Please do not post event messages. If you have a course, conference, or organizational event to promote, contact AADM@AADM.org for permission. It is essential that the Listserv not become a forum of advertisements, or unvetted programs or events.
The Academy must approve of any posting recruiting people for a research or investigation project. Contact us at AADM@AADM.org to discuss your project before posting a recruitment notice.
No individual or organization other than the Academy can raise funds on our listserv. If your signature has a donate button in it, please delete that part of your signature when posting or replying to listserv conversations.
All posts to the Listserv represent personal, individual opinions. They do not represent the opinions, conclusions, or any policies of the Academy.
The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the Listserv belong solely to the authors. The Academy does not endorse or guarantee the accuracy of any statements made by the authors.
Readers must understand that the information provided is for general informational purposes only. The Academy cannot be held responsible for any errors, omissions, or consequences arising from the use of the information contained on the Listerv.
By reading the Listserv posts, you acknowledge and agree that the content is provided “as is” without any warranties, express or implied. The Academy disclaims all liability for any loss or damage resulting from your reliance on the information presented.
The posts, including any materials or shared links, are made by the Listserv members, and not by the Academy. The Academy makes no representations or warranties regarding any content posted on the Listserv. In addition, the AADM.org website Terms of Use and Privacy Notice also pertain to the Listserv.
Some Rules
The Listserv is a public forum. If you wish your conversations, opinions, or information to remain confidential, this is not the place for them.
The Academy has the right to reject any posting.
Carefully review the Academy’s Website Terms of Use. All legal rules for our website also pertain to our listserv. Also read the Academy’s Privacy Policy. All legal rules for our website also pertain to our listserv.
Since the Listserv is a function of Google Groups (https://groups.google.com/g/ACAMAID), Listserv users must also follow the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service of Google Groups.
All posts to the Listserv represent personal, individual opinions. They do not represent the opinions, conclusions, or any policies of the Academy.
The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the Listserv belong solely to the authors. The Academy does not endorse or guarantee the accuracy of any statements made by the authors.
Readers must understand that the information provided is for general informational purposes only. The Academy cannot be held responsible for any errors, omissions, or consequences arising from the use of the information contained on the Listerv.
By reading the Listserv posts, you acknowledge and agree that the content is provided “as is” without any warranties, express or implied. The Academy disclaims all liability for any loss or damage resulting from your reliance on the information presented.
The posts, including any materials or shared links, are made by the Listserv members, and not by the Academy. The Academy makes no representations or warranties regarding any content posted on the Listserv. In addition, the AADM.org website Terms of Use and Privacy Notice also pertain to the Listserv.
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