Founding Members

The Academy deeply appreciates our Founding Members, whose generous donations of time, money, and funds made this website and so much more possible. With profound gratitude to…

Founding Members

Anil Hanuman, MD

Avinash Patil, MD

Barak Wolff, MPH

Barbara Morris, MD

Leah Becker, PA-C, SEP

Carol Parrot, MD

Charles Hamlin, MD

Charles Miller, MD

Chris Fruitrich

Constance Holden, RN

Deborah North, MD

Diane Button End-of-Life Doula

Eddie Lau, PharmD

Faye Girsh, EdD

Gaja Andzel, MD

Hope Wetchkin, MD

Janet Hager, BSPT

Janie Rakow, End-of-Life Doula

Jasper Schmidt, MD

Jessica Kaan, DO, MPH

Johanna Koch, MD

Karen Morin, RN

Kevin Malone

Kris Kington-Barker, End-of-Life Doula

Jeffrey Levine, MD and Lesley MacArthur, MD

Lonny Shavelson, MD

Lynne Calkins, BA, CRNP

Mary Ganapol

Michael Blake

Mindy Cooper, MD

Richard Bodony, MD

Robin Plumer, MD

Roy Graves, MD

Ryan Spielvogel, MD

Sarah Hill, End-of-Life Doula

Sonny Vukic, MBA, PT

Stephanie Marquet, MD

Thalia DeWolf, RN, CHPN

Thomas Strouse, MD

Tin Do, MD

Valerie Lovelace

Teaching and supporting best practices for the care of patients considering or completing medical aid in dying.

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