We accept manuscripts and proposals.
Step 1: Review the Journal’s Aims and Scope.
The Journal of Aid-in-Dying Medicine is an independent, peer-reviewed journal focused on the clinical aspects of aid-in-dying care in the United States.
Articles published in the Journal cover a wide range — from academically-detailed investigations to editorials and review articles, from poetry to photography/art. Authors include clinicians ranging from doctors to doulas, pharmacists to chaplains, nurses to trained end-of-life volunteers.
While the Journal focuses on aid-in-dying care in the U.S., articles that examine aid in dying in other countries that enlighten aid-in-dying care in the U.S. are also welcome.
Step 2: Make sure your manuscript meets our guidelines.
Confirm that your submission meets our standards for originality and content, and review our conditions of publishing, in our General Guidelines and Conditions document.
Check that your manuscripts conforms to our Style Manual. Articles that do not conform to these guidelines will be returned to authors for reformatting.
Step 3: Submit your materials.
Once you have reviewed the information above and filled out the Submission Form below, please email us your article or artwork, including the Title of your submission in the Subject of the email.
Journal Submissions
Please email us your article or artwork, including the Title of your submission in the Subject of the email.