Educational Materials

Nursing Best Practices, 3-Part Series

NOTE: 1/21/25 CEs for this Course Are Temporarily Unavailable
Open-access Resource Free to View
or $15 for 1.0 unit (Parts 1, 2, 3)
For continuing education credit/certificate, please complete all three sets of quizzes and evaluations below and pay at the very bottom of this page.

Part 1: Introduction, and Becoming Eligible for Medical Aid in Dying

Part 1: 27 minutes

Part 2: Monitoring and Preparing Patients

Part 2: 22 minutes

Part 3: The Aid-in-Dying Day

Part 3: 20 minutes

Once you have taken all three pre- and post-test quizzes, and filled out the evaluation forms, PLEASE USE THE FORM BELOW TO PAY FOR THE CREDIT AND CERTIFICATE. Thank you.

Teaching and supporting best practices for the care of patients considering or completing medical aid in dying.

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